Termin: 05.10. – 12.10.2019
Tennis Camp in Kroatien
Termin: 05.10. – 12.10.2019
Tennis Camp in Kroatien
Du möchtest dein Tennis in einem tollen Urlaub bei Sonne, Strand und Meer optimal auf ein anderes Level bringen?
Dann begleite das Antonio Valdes Team nach Bol Dalmatien in Kroatien.
Egal, ob du Anfänger bist oder schon Fortgeschrittener. Das Camp ist für jedes Niveau geeignet und bietet ein perfektes Rundum Paket für jeden Tennis Fan.
Wir wohnen und trainieren im Bluesun Hotel Elaphusa. In unmittelbarer Nähe zu Kroatiens bekanntestem Strand (Goldenes Horn) werden wir einen unvergesslichen Tennisurlaub verbringen. Die Anlage verfügt über 26 Tennisplätze (8 mit Flutlicht), eine Tennis Panorama Bar und einen Adidas und Wilson Store.
Termin: 05.10. – 12.10.2019
Eventreisepreis inkl. Training: 1200,00€ incl. MwSt.
Wir freuen uns auf deine Anmeldung
oder unter: hello@antoniovaldesakademie.com
Anmeldeschluss ist der 20.03.2019
Wenn Sie Fragen haben, rufen Sie uns gerne an.
→ Niklas Albrecht +49 (0) 178 6 89 02 21
oder per Mail an hello@antoniovaldesakademie.com
Die Leistungen im Überblick:
+ 7 Nächte im Doppelzimmer (weitere Zimmerkategorien gegen Aufpreis buchbar)
+ Flug und Hoteltransfer
+ 4 Stunden Training pro Tag mit international erfahrenen Trainern
+ Halbpension Verpflegung im Club und am Tenniscenter
+ 100%ige Tennisplatzgarantie
+ Vielseitiges Trainingsangebot
+ Videoanalyse
+ Begrüßungsgeschenk
+ Players Night
+ Touristische Reiseleitung
Jede Menge Spaß!
Euer Antonio Valdés Team
Would you like to take your tennis to another level in a great holiday with sun, beach and sea?
Then accompany the Antonio Valdes team to Bol Dalmatia in Croatia.
No matter if you are a beginner or already advanced. The camp is suitable for every level and offers a perfect all-round package for every tennis fan.
We stay and train at the Bluesun Hotel Elaphusa. In the immediate vicinity of Croatia’s most famous beach (Golden Horn) we will spend an unforgettable tennis holiday. The complex has 26 tennis courts (8 with floodlights), a tennis panorama bar and an Adidas and Wilson Store.
Date: 05.10. – 12.10.2019
Event price incl. training: 1200,00€ incl. VAT.
We are looking forward to your registration
or under: hello@antoniovaldesakademie.com
Registration deadline is 20.03.2019
If you have any questions, please call us.
→ Niklas Albrecht +49 (0) 178 6 89 02 21
or by mail to hello@antoniovaldesakademie.com
The services at a glance:
+ 7 nights in a double room (other room categories can be booked at an extra charge)
+ Flight and hotel transfer
+ 4 hours training per day with internationally experienced trainers
+ Half board catering in the club and at the tennis center
+ 100% tennis court guarantee
+ Versatile training offer
+ Video analysis
+ welcome present
+ Players Night
+ Tourist tour guide
Lots of fun!
Your Antonio Valdés Team
Would you like to take your tennis to another level in a great holiday with sun, beach and sea?
Then accompany the Antonio Valdes team to Bol Dalmatia in Croatia.
No matter if you are a beginner or already advanced. The camp is suitable for every level and offers a perfect all-round package for every tennis fan.
We stay and train at the Bluesun Hotel Elaphusa. In the immediate vicinity of Croatia’s most famous beach (Golden Horn) we will spend an unforgettable tennis holiday. The complex has 26 tennis courts (8 with floodlights), a tennis panorama bar and an Adidas and Wilson Store.
Date: 05.10. – 12.10.2019
Event price incl. training: 1200,00€ incl. VAT.
We are looking forward to your registration
or under: hello@antoniovaldesakademie.com
Registration deadline is 20.03.2019
If you have any questions, please call us.
→ Niklas Albrecht +49 (0) 178 6 89 02 21
or by mail to hello@antoniovaldesakademie.com
The services at a glance:
+ 7 nights in a double room (other room categories can be booked at an extra charge)
+ Flight and hotel transfer
+ 4 hours training per day with internationally experienced trainers
+ Half board catering in the club and at the tennis center
+ 100% tennis court guarantee
+ Versatile training offer
+ Video analysis
+ welcome present
+ Players Night
+ Tourist tour guide
Lots of fun!
Your Antonio Valdés Team